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Both Orica and the New South Wales Government are under siege from Newcastle residents, angry over a potentially dangerous chemical leak.

Questions are being asked as to why it took three days for them to be told they’ve been exposed to hexavalent chromium – the same carcinogen brought to global attention by Erin Brockovich.

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  1. Yuck! Newcastle is never going to grow into a unique, vibrant, city, as long as it’s dumping chemicals upon itself. It has the best positions for a city in Australia. Time for a big clean up. If the university was already repositioned within the city it would have made world news.
    People don’t just need questions answered and quasi reassurance. There shouldn’t have been a chemical leak in the first place.
    After someone looks into the issues of those affected, then it’s time to move this crap out of town . . . and reclaim some dignity. BHP has gone . . . get rid of this too and create a remembrance memorial.

  2. I am very concerned about this! I have 4 young children and we live in Mayfield… just a short breeze away. Two of my children had terrible asthma attacks last week… I hate that this is on my door step!

  3. Now we live next to it we can see it out our window and we got told nothing and still have been told nothing and now its the 14th NO MAIL was the paper that came to our door and told us this is a joke….we have headaches and breathing problems the ppl that say its fine no rick do they live here NO….they give it a rating high coz it is TOXIC i was a fireman and u ran from things like that
    WE just have to sue them while we are alive
    And if we wash things down then were does it go and how long does it stay around thanks

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