Newcastle News

10 QUESTIONS WITH ALISON DAVEY – Cessnock Mayoral Candidate

1. What led you to run for Mayor again?

I am standing for the Mayoral position to continue the good work already achieved in cultural change in the organisation.

2. How would you change what has been a dysfuntional council?

Over the past twelve months in particular, Council has completed over 95% of its Capital Works Program and over 90% of its Operational Plan. These are both first time achievements for Council.
The record of minutes over the past four years attests to the fact that Council is working and achieving at a high level with the large majority of motions passed unanimously by all present.

3. Given the turmoil that has surrounded council, are you the best person to lead Cessnock in the next election?

Much that is referred to as turmoil is simply political posturing leading to the coming election. Some of the claims being made are just outrageous.
I bring with me 29 years of experience on Cessnock Council and a record of proven honesty and integrity from work within community groups across the district which spans five decades.

4. There are 10 Mayor candidates, is this the worst outcome given that the election is now likely to be decided on preferences?

Ten candidates is the greatest number that has occurred to my knowledge. With this number I believe that preferences will be most important because no one can attain 50% plus one with 10 candidates all vying for votes.

5. Who are you preferencing?

Preferences are the choice of the individual voter. I can not preference for any voter. The only thing I am able to do is place suggested preferences on my how to vote paper. Each voter makes his/her own decision as to how the actual ballot papers for Ward Representation or for Mayor position are marked.

6. What would be your main priority if elected?

The main priority will be in continuing the job of cleaning up Cessnock Council. Other priorities will be on road and bridge work, re-establishing a festival for Cessnock, creating sustainable development for job creation and supporting tourism and tourism jobs.

7. What is your biggest challenge in winning this election?

The biggest challenge this election has been countering the unjust negativity that has been circulating in some newspapers.
This Council has cleared the forty recommendations of the S430 Report on the previous Council. It has had its planning powers returned. It has had the Local Environment Plan adopted and is currently ironing out some of the errors which occurred in the document and working on any amendments it considers necessary to fine tune the instrument.

8. Why should rate payers have faith in you?

Rate payers should have confidence in me because I have tackled the implementation of long overdue changes within the organisation and because I tell it as it is with direct honesty. I am not in the job for my own self gratification but in it heart and soul for outcomes needed for the city of Cessnock to prosper, the city that I have chosen to call home.

9. How would you rate the performance of the current council and what would you change?

The performance of the Council over the four years has been remarkedly sound. It has not been one in which any political party has had the numbers to clout its agenda through. Open discussion has flourished. All Councillors have had full opportunity for full involvement in all decision making.
All names are now recorded as to how each Councillor votes on each motion. I have been a part of seven successive Councils and this one is certainly the most open one of which I have had the pleasure to be a part. I have not directed any particular stance on issues to influence the manner in which Councillors cast their votes. I believe this is democratically fair and should be continued.

10. How do you rate your chances of winning the election?

I will not be drawn into rating the outcome. Voters will make a discerned decision with their votes.
I have given 100% of myself to the job and I believe that I have represented the People of Cessnock well in all spheres of the Mayoral Role which is quite diverse. I have fully paid for all my attendances at all Civic Functions and through my business I have actively sponsored many Council and community events.
I also believe that I have the energy and capacity to continue in the role for the next four years.

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