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Police have cracked down on what they have called an illegal rave party on the New South Wales Mid-North Coast.

Specialist officers searched hundreds of cars on their way to the event near Coffs Harbour – but organisers insist the party will continue as planned.

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  1. So many incorrect statements were made in this. Firstly, it was not set up illegally! It is on private property, it is a party on private property that had approval from the owner. There are paramedics there in the first aid tent, there are toilets and showers and camping areas, there are many volunteers working unpaid to ensure everyone is safe and organized and there is food and water available. This is set up purely for the love of music, it’s just unfortunate that drugs are brought into the party. Its an amazing positive event that brings the locals together.

  2. why do news programs insist on exaggerating and lying. lots of false allegations were made in this. very false. its not illegal, it’s not even set up via facebook, find the facts before you paint something this wonderful in a negative light

  3. This party IS illegal. No council approval was given!! Also adjoining properties & neighbours were NOT given any warning regarding this event. And having hundreds of strangers traipsing over adjoining private land, invading our private patch of paradise is not acceptable. BUZZ OFF and party in designated night clubs or at LEGAL organised events

  4. maybe there’s people who don’t wanna just party in a nightclub or organised event because there’s a thing called living you probably forgot how to do guess it can’t be easy with your head up your ass you’re just pissed you didn’t get the invite obviously cause you got bad juju

  5. omg these hippy wannabes need to get their bs together and stop pretending they attend this garbage for the music… youre stupid if you think anyone actually believes that nonsense …..tripping off your nuts in a freakin rain forest ffs….. bet your parents (and probably your own kids who are being raised by grandma and pop) are mega proud of the lives you idiots are living …..lame

  6. Wow deffs tell most of u hav been raised a bit sheltered. Some people honstley need the biggest wake up call. Before u putt everyone in the same catagory make sure what your sayin is correct

  7. Pathetic hippy wannabes. You know I’ve heard say if you can remember Woodstock you weren’t really there.

  8. I don’t see why the big fuss… It’s not trouble making and it’s peaceful and beautiful the music is great and the people are awesome and it’s so much better outside then inside no fights just laughter music and dancing… DON’T KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT… Also everyone is different

  9. I have been to many tribal gatherings over a seven year period. To be completely honest, I have met some of the most down-to-earth, considerate and friendly people. The culture is re-establishing unity and consists majority of love for one another and music itself.

    Police unfortunately have the wrong idea. Get the Methamphetamine and Heroine off the streets, and stop worrying about the local “hippies” as you all call them.

    And for of you uninformed individuals with prejudice against people who are connected with the fundamentals of life- I work a full time professional job. I have been attending gatherings of the like since I was 16. I am now 23. Keep on judging blindly, please- You all clearly know better.

    Where has the love gone.

  10. so many generalisations are made by those who know nothing about these events. people attend them to gain freedom from the unnatural constraints of society and to experience connectivity and a sense of equality that never occurs in regular society. it attracts people from all walks of life, including those inclined towards the use of party drugs, but that doesnt give anyone the right to lump them all into a box just so they can feel high and mighty about not being an ‘unemployed drug addicted hippy’. its this condascending and judgemental attitude pervading our society that leads youth organising and attending these events in the first place.

  11. Don’t understand the big fuss, it’s not really just hippies, you see all sorts of people you wouldn’t think would be out there. The night insist of constant dancing, with an outdoor experience and also having DJ’s worldwide come to Australia, their was proper licensed security out there and licensed first aid. And surely the owners of the property were warned about randoms rocking up. Police/Council should just let these type of events go on, but still have RBT/Drug Squads set up, just a few kilometers up the road.

  12. mate its about having fun and thats exactly what is being had. No one likes seeing other people having fun they get jealous and sooky. you were all kids once, you had parties too. deal with it ya sooks

  13. There were famous DJs from all over the globe and Australia. For example KOAN sound are two djs from the UK who are very well known, and they have agreed to come to a small place such as Coffs Harbour, it is amazing that they even came to Australia. So Australia should be welcoming artists like that more kindly! The media make me sick with the sensationalized false information that they have published, it is beyond anyone how they received the information that the event was illegally organized; with no council registration! Lies. Famous DJs bring a lot of tourism to places small areas such as Coffs Harbour so there is more positives of having bush DOOFS than there is negatives.

  14. I would love to kick that Jayde Maree in the head. What a waste of oxygen. Peace 🙂

  15. what about the people who don’t take drugs, and just go for the music, you can’t single out the people who do do it, and i say
    “i’d rather live a short life, if it was full of fun, then a short life, if it was boring”.
    so don’t criticize the stinky disgusting drug taking doof rats, because at least they are the ones who make their life fun for themselves, because that is what matters.

  16. lol “rave” if you’re going to call something illegal, at least find out what it’s actually called…

  17. To any residents complaining about people “trespassing” your foolish. Its not trespassing, not once did people enter YOUR property. Possibly parked on the council owned land out the front but thats about it. There is nothing illegal about using privately owned land for a music event. The fact that police and media think it is makes you even more foolish. I work at these events and i can safely say that if anyone does stupidly take to many drugs or drink to much alcohol EVERYONE is there to help. It is complete freedom at these events, the way life should be lived. If theres anyone that thinks its wrong to be free and do whatever the hell you want, then you need to get out more. Live a little. These events are organised by massive entertainment companys and hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent to ensure they can continue to happen. The fact that police can waste their time and our tax money on spending 6+ hours at a location to search all vehicles when only 19 arrests were made. Not worth it, Would rather know the police are actually available to help me in town when i get assaulted, not pretending to be doing a good job, when in real fact their just invading peoples privacy without their consent. These events will continue to happen, quite possibly at the same location too. They may be able to control the roads but they sure as hell will never be getting any loophole to access private property. Sorry. Just gonna be honest. These events are what make the north coast of nsw get young tourism!

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