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There’s been a large explosion at Tuncurry on the mid north coast.

A house has been completely destroyed, and there are reports a body has been found.

The Lakes Way has been closed in both directions at Chapmans Road.

Several other houses have been damaged by debris, which spread up to 30 metres from the blast site.

We’ll have more information soon.

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  1. I think it is sad the council was trying to make a profit from the unfortunate cercumstances sorrounding the house explosion at tuncurry by tictecting people useing the beach as a way to get though forster for driving without a beach permit on the beach very sad to see. Although the police have been amzing though the progress keeping people updadted and giving advice and respomded well to the crisis well done. And my thiughts are with the family who lost a loved one in the tradgerdy. Hope peoples houses are reparied well too.

  2. I am so happy that I have sold my house in Forster and no longer under great lakes council. To give tickets to people on the beach under these circumstances for trying to get home is not only dispicable but gives you an idea how these people think(?). Goodbye Forster I will never buy there again and I will warn others. Very sad for the family of the man who died

  3. What was the large explosion on sunday morning around 12:15 am heard from chittaway bay that shook my windows, I was outside and I could feel the percussion from it ?

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