Northern Rivers News


Gay and Lesbian activists vandalised and chained themselves to an anti same-sex marriage truck in Lismore today saying it’s inciting hatred against the gay population.

The truck belongs to Christian Activist Peter Madden, who was passing through Lismore for a prayer rally with local churches before continuing to Brisbane.

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  1. So proud of the people of Lismore, and especially our Mayor, Jenny Dowell, for lending a reasoned and moderate voice. Wish I could have been there!

  2. Well done Lismore. We don’t need hatred and bigotry here. We are one of the most inclusive country towns to live in, let’s keep it that way.

  3. Congratulations to the Mayor for speaking out against this offensive truck. So much for Christianity being non-judgemental

  4. Why generalise and brand all Christianity as judgemental because this Peter Madden decides to advertise his brand of intolerant Christianity? Please don’t lump every Christian into the catagory of intolerant hate-mongerer, no matter how many you think you might come accross. I identify myself as Christian, i go to church, read the bible and pray, but i certainly don’t disparage those who chose to live a different lifestyle to me. I may not agree with the way a person chooses to live their life, but who am i to judge anyone? People may not agree with my lifestyle, and that’s fine. I take people as they are, and love them regardless because thats what Jesus did.

  5. I’m with Kat. As a Christian, this kind of behavior and attitude grieves me deeply as I believe it does God’s 🙁

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