Newcastle News


Maitland Council is preparing for massive population growth, by creating more industrial land.

Plans are now on public display for the expansion of the Rutherford Industrial Zone, a move designed to ensure residents can work locally.

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Kate Haberfield

Kate Haberfield is a senior sport reporter/presenter with NBN News. After studying Broadcast Journalism at Charles Sturt University, Kate worked in television and radio in Canberra and Sydney for six years before returning to her hometown of Newcastle in 2009.

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One Comment

  1. Maitland Council and its Chairman need to be sacked….. they are all now a political corporation gone wrong, their ideals are pathetic. Maitland does have lots of things going for the it. first the illusion must be understood, Maitland city center is dead! businesses are sick and tired of the management team in the city center, they cost tax payer and rate payers, they do “nothing” to help the city out..! they are there to show front, so the complaints do not get directed to David Evans.
    Second… Maitland is turning into Western Sydney! Yeah.. your heard me.! take a walk around maitland and see…. Poverty, drug users, thieves everywhere..!
    Thirdly…… Maitland is Owned by a screwed up “Hunter Land and Tony Cant’s real estate, they over value everything to screw retail industry.
    Fourth…. the attitude of shop owners have gone from bad to worse, and funny that..! they blame the same people above! try doing a real research and question air,!

    My advise for any retail business that wants to open up in Maitland “DON’T” People still drive past Maitland and travel to Newcastle.

    A peoples council we ALL need in Maitland, Not greedy FAT bastards filling their pocket!

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