Mid North News


And now to a story of artistic success which has literally risen from the ashes.

Nana Glen Artist Jeramie Carter, who lost his studio and all his equipment to a fire three years ago, has just launched a new solo exhibition.

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  1. great story would like to see more of his work but where in Emeral Beach is he showing and until when, i missed the full story

  2. An inspirational story. It was great being at the opening surrounded by Jeramie’s wonderful work, and seeing the responses of people to the different pieces. Before too long I reckon Nana Glen will be able to boast two celebrities.

  3. It gave me great joy and of course huge pride, to be able to attend Jeramie’s exhibition. The gallery is an inspirational place and his work was beautifully complemented by it.
    As his mum it brings me deep happiness to see him achieve so much inspite of many hurdles and setbacks. Thanks Jeramie for all you give through your work and your unshakeable spirit which brings so much enjoyment to a growing number of people. And thanks too for all of the people around you who have continued to believe in you (as I do) whose support and tireless efforts i know are deeply appreciated . Thankyou to all, and I love you Jeramie.

  4. Margaret Paynter on November 13th 2008
    As Jeramie’s Aunty, I am very proud of his achievments, he has inherited artistic genes from his mum, who paints in acyrilic. And I paint in oil’s, would love to see his work first hand, well done Jeramie, keep up the good work. Lot’s of love Aunty Margie

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