Latest NBN NewsNewcastle News


The sale of synthetic drugs could soon be banned in New South Wales.

A parliamentary inquiry has recommended the products – which have a reputation for turning lives upside down – be taken off the shelves.

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  1. This should have been done a long time ago . It is the best thing that could be done but it is not going to take back the harm it has already done to people and there familys my family being one of thousands taking it off the shelf and people having withdrawrels and us having to pick up the pieces of the violence and tramua from our loved ones being addicted to something they can no longer get is any one thinking of helping the people that are addicted and act in an irrasponsible way towards there familys when they cant get money to buy it cause they just want that hit of felling off there heads please i experiance the pain and anger from this addiction you not only need to take it off the shelf but u needto find a source to help the people who are addicted . They put this stuff on the shelfs they have taken money out of peoples pockets and now there taking ir off the shelfs i can see alot of people getting hurt alot of people loosing there familys and some may even end up dead . Use the money that yous have taken from these people that you have ruined there lives bodys and familys to find a soloution to help them become the person they were before they became addicted to something that should never been sold legally . I myself can say the effect of illegal drugs is no where near as this it has ruined my life and the love of my life for the past ten months . Do something about it before my children end up without a father and its on the goverments head.Is that what they really want . Or is it all about the money they get from selling it .

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