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A protest against a round of the V8s being held in Newcastle later this year, has descended into a slanging match between those in favour and those who say it’s not an appropriate location.

A group called Novocastrians Against Street Racing held a press conference in the East End on Friday morning.

It heard speeches from doctors and elderly residents before organisers played a recording of a V8 car at speed, over load speakers.

The Novocastrians Against Street Racing’s argument is that safe distances between the track and houses will not be guaranteed, as many of the historical terraces are only 3 metres from the road.

The protest became fiery when race fans clashed with protestors, one woman waving a Holden flag and cheering as the audio was played. An elderly man attempted to pull the flag down with his walking stick.

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  1. I believe the V8’s should be held in a different location. I would still like to see the figures put forward as to the advantage it will give the rate payers of Newcastle. Then again, maybe a public vote would be a democratic move.

  2. I love the fact that they are coming to Newcastle. My sons have never been to a V8 Supercars event and can’t wait to see this one. It will be sensational.

  3. I can’t believe that such an incredibly noisy, dangerous, polluting and energy wasting event could be envisaged for a heritage listed residential setting or indeed any residential area. No amount of ‘financial or economic advantage’ is worth the disruption, threat to safety and health and pure inconvenience that will result for the people who live there. If these kinds of events must happen, get them as far away from where people live and work as possible. Who is the real ‘wanker’ in this video clip?

  4. Polluting get it right they run E85 that’s 85% renewable. Dangerous, it was more dangerous with you lot standing on the road. Noise you will not have a constant run of cars going pass as your so called simulation was. To me it looked like 10 protesters against the rest of Newcastle, time you looked for a better cause to direct your energies and let Newcastle be put on the map for at one week in the year.

  5. the inarticulate response of the man in the car towards articulate and well founded concern on the part of the residents says a lot doesn’t it??
    Supercars V8 what a sham – profiting off public subsidies with no concern whatsoever towards local communities,

  6. It won’t sound anything like that. The only time the cars would open up like in that recording would be along the wharf road, Watt st, Shortland Esplanade, Down Parnel/Nobbys rd. Where this protest had taken place the sound would be NOTHING like the recording.

  7. For goodness sake, have none of you ever lived in a city with a flight path / chaotic traffic and trains ? I live next to a railway line where there is 20,000 coal train movements per year and no one gives a damn about that. That’s because coal transport benefits our region as a whole. The sound is equivalent (has been measured as) to a Boeing 747 flying at 200 metres overhead. There are hundreds of thousands of houses affected in Newcastle by these coal train movements. Whilst I have no idea about V8 supercar culture, the event is a temporary interruption to city life (as most major events are in inner Newcastle) of a few streets that will exceptionally benefit the greater Newcastle area overall And the HUNTER region. We need events like this to keep growing and promoting employment and growth.

  8. Your comment simply shows total disregard for the millions of people with an automotive passion. Newcastle is an incredible place to hold an event like this with nation wide and international publicity. It isn’t unsafe, you’re simple ignorant of the facts, uneducated or lying out of frustration.

    I’ll be attending in November – Maitland Resident.

  9. Thanks privileged residents of Newcastle city ? for yet again trying to ruin events last it was New Years midnight fireworks now this.

  10. Winging residents. Why can you not see the benefits. It is a temporary disruption. To the lady with a children live here sign. I don’t have children but I don’t complain when your children cry all hours of the night or hit their ball on the metal fence. Let it go. It’s happening. You may not like it but let it go

  11. If anyone who lives on the track would like to leave town for the week and rent their place out please let me know. I’ll pay your motel bill.

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