Newcastle SportSlider


Jets owner Nathan Tinkler cleared a series of debts on Friday, but FFA Chief Executive David Gallop says there’s more work to be done.

“They’ve taken some big steps but there are remaining liabilities. There’s some structural things that need to happen. We are still on a deadline and we think it’s important that the pressure stays on to get these things put in place quickly.”

It’s believed sacked players, such as Kew Jaliens and Joel Griffiths, are refusing to sign termination papers until their superannuation is paid, while the sacked coaches are also awaiting payments.

The FFA CEO was later asked if the deadline is Monday.

“Not necessarily but it’s a matter of days,” he said.


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Mitchell Hughes

Mitchell Hughes started as a tape editor in Newcastle in 1999. He became a reporter in 2004, working in Lismore and on the Gold Coast. Since moving back to the Newcastle office in 2006, he's taken on various roles, such as producer and chief of staff. He became the head sport reporter in 2011 and the main sport presenter in 2015.

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