Gold Coast News


Could legalising cannabis help boost tourism in Queensland?

That’s what the HEMP Party pondered, at its head-turning campaign launch in Surfers Paradise.

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  1. Hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur annually. There has never been a single recorded marijuana OD fatality.
    According to the American Public Health Association, excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in this country. APHA pegs the negative economic impact of extreme drinking at $150 billion a year.

  2. what a joke dude at the end ,lol not for surfers lol ,if people were honest ,the hands raised would shock him ,lol shame he against ,i guess it is drunks ,violence,binge drinking,and crime on the gold coast and surfers he would rather in surfers than stoners looking for a shop selling munchies 🙂

  3. Leader of Commerce luvs drunken brawls where people get glassed in alcoholic fits of rage.
    I get the impression the leader of commerce thinks like this:
    “We can glass people and excrete bodily fluids on the footpath but if you wanna get stoned and sit there smiling at people and looking at nature then forget that”
    Pros/Cons if it was legal:
    I’m not a fan of smoking in any form, and I always talk about how cannabis cures cancer and diabetes but this time I’m just going to focus on the social side of it.
    Negatives of smoking Cannabis in a public area:

    -Secondary smoke, any smoke, causes cancer. Not just smoking but BBQ smoke, Candle smoke and car exhaust. Pretty much all smoke.

    -Smell. Some people might not like the smell, having said that, more people like the smell than don’t like it. Depending on the strain can even smell like a desert.
    Positives of smoking Cannabis in a public area::

    -less people drinking alcohol = less human excrement in public places. Less fights from people whom’s brains struggle to function due to the damage from alcohol.
    -people whom do drink alcohol will not get brain damage if they used a high CBD strain of cannabis.
    -more cheerful people as the cannabis protects their cells from free radicals created by stress, eating, pollutants.
    -more people being able to deal with change as their body is protected from the free radicals caused by stress which accompanies any changes they encounter. People with low levels of endogenous cannabinoids cannot handle change and become control freaks as they struggle for a sense of security so they can avoid dealing with stress BECAUSE they do not have the endogenous cannabinoids to deal with stress. Cannabis supplements these lacking endogenous cannabinoids with phyto-cannabinoids and so people will have a more secure personality. They will be as if they had always been healthy.
    A CBD strain prevents psychosis where as alcohol causes psychosis.

  4. Of course it should be. Not only in Queensland but the whole of Australia too. There are literally endless benefits with this plant with NO chance of addiction and or overdose, 99% of over the counter drugs and alcohol cant claim that. Someone has argued that any type of smoke can cause cancer and is damaging for health, if there were hash cafe’s available there may be an alternative use of inhalation through a vaporiser which will have no smoke at all.

    It’s time Australia caught up with the rest of the world and legalised this million dollar plant.

  5. I can’t edit my post to add this link but for anyone who is serious about wanting to know and understand the science behind how Cannabis cures cancer and Diabetes I’ll post link to the HEMP booklet:

    It has a general overview of different aspects and how prohibition is causing more harm than good for all Australians.

    Curing Cancer is a no-brainer. That has been proven and documented many, many times however the Diabetes research has not. If you are familiar with the medical condition called Scurvy, essentially it is cured by consuming Vitamin C. Back in the day they would carry oranges on ships to prevent the crew getting Scurvy while they were at sea for long periods of time.
    You can however take Green Chillis which have 4x more vitamin C per gram of weight and get the same result, it does not have to be oranges.

    I’m mentioning this example because the research that proves Diabetes is cured by Cannabis is in a similar situation. We have research that proves that increasing Treg cell count, via a bone marrow transplant, cures diabetes.
    And we have research that proves that consuming THC increases Treg cell count.
    We know it does work because people whom cured their cancer also cured their diabetes. This is merely the science to explain the process.

    If you have any questions, make sure you read the flier thoroughly and you can contact the Hemp party and they will get in contact with me if they can’t answer your question.

    Take care and don’t be afraid to research. There is a lot of fail logic and incorrect information based on non-academic, and sometimes totally BS, information. As I said, cannabis can restore health and unfortunately the health industry makes a fortune thanks to unwell people.

  6. #medicalmarijuana has many benefits, from helping with Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s and even arthritis. That person who said there had been one known death from od of marijuana, I’d love to see that study as from current information there has been no deaths from marijuana alone.

  7. Sugarcane & Cannabis, the perfect crop rotation. Problem is: Majority (almost 100%) of sugarcane crops are foreign owned(not the farm). Australian Farmers and Producers, there is a trillion dollars in Cannabis and products made of it’s fibre(construction), seed(oil & protein), leaves & flowers(medicine juice). 100% of new sugarcane farms could generate green power by opening new modern mills. Every crop is a Carbon Offset. Who ever wins Government must open cannabis for food(unregulated & tax free). Every product cannabis generates generates wealth & tax for ALL AUSTRALIANS, over and over again, almost every time money changes hands. Cannabis is an Aboriginal & Human right. Let’s free Aboriginals from alcohol & pharmaceuticals. CTG is a drug dealer of deathly proportions.

    Trillions of Dollars Australian, for Australians, Grown in Australia – exporting to the world. Flat pack homes, cannabis car bodies with Green electricity generated by cannabis and it’s oil. Sugarcane/Cannabis a marriage of crops only God could create. Free to grow tax free as it is a food & medicine. By anyone, anywhere in Australia. Driving laws already in force. What does God say about this green herb? He says, “His creation is Very Good and should be used by All who breathe”. Genesis 1:11,12,29,30.

    I asked HEMP PARTY, if your party won, would the inflatable joint tour through Parliament House – both Old & New in Canberra. Cannabis, an Aboriginal Right, A Human Right, A Right for All Life. We’ll see!!!

  8. My husband and friend went all the way to Amsterdam breifly, to smoke the worlds best, MARIJUANA LEGALLY. After 30 years of smoking, he hasn’t found any better.
    If he could live there he would, just to get away from the police harassment & the Marijunoia (paranoia ) of the law.
    In Amsterdam, the streets were clean, city was tidy, never seen any drunken behavior while there, more layed back then Australia, felt very welcome. Would go again, with the family this time.
    With the laws as they are in Australia, they do nothing but victimize every day people.
    Legalize it and tourism WILL blossom.

  9. Cannabis is a far safer alternative to alcohol, with lower addiction rates, no possibility of overdose and calming effects, not often violent effects like alcohol. In any comparison alcohol is a far more harmful recreational drug. It makes absolutely no sense to keep it illegal from this stand point alone let alone the countless medicinal benefits cannabis can provide.

    Here is just a small list of things that cannabis can help and or cure and for some people cannabis is the ONLY thing that can help them:

    Cancer (prevent and cure)
    Tourette’s Syndrome
    Multiple Sclerosis
    ADD and ADHD
    IBS and Crohn’s
    Premenstrual Syndrome

    The guy at the end of this video is clearly either very uneducated and ignorant to marijuana or has another agenda.

    Let’s make this medicine and harmless drug legal!

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