Central Coast NewsNorth West News


It might get a little confusing for motorists, but towards the end of next year the New England Highway will be renamed the A15, while the F3 will change to the M1 Pacific Motorway.

The New South Wales Government today announced plans to rebadge more than 60 major roads, using an alpha-numeric signage system favoured by other states.

The bill for new signage will be a whopping $20-million, and the opposition has labelled the move ‘complete madness’.

Labor says it’s a colossal waste of money, given the government is cutting billions from the education and health budgets.

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One Comment

  1. I reckon this is just a bloody joke, a rediculous way of spending money.. The New England Highway needs attention,… Leave the names the way they are Its going to confuse heaps of people.. Spend the money on something IMPORTANT, not something to make u guys look good…… SHAME ON YOU!!!!

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