Newcastle News


The fall out from what’s becoming known as the Laman Street fiasco continued today.

Seven people will face Newcastle Local Court next month, after yesterday locking onto the controversial fig trees, while allegations of police brutality have been made.

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  1. IF the figs are “unsafe” why dont we ‘trim – prune’ them? A great solution other than complete removal. They could just be pruned and remain ALIVE!.
    IF the figs are “unsafe” why arent all the figs in Lamen street being removed and the figs in Civic Park being removed? WHY is it just the figs outside the art gallery and Library that are deemed “unsafe”. This seems extremely unusual and one cannot help but not believe the council……..? There is something they are not telling the public. Newcastle people have lost complete trust and respect for our council!!

  2. I feel disgusted in Newcastle Council over this decision to remove the laman st figs.
    I feel that NCC’s failure to regard community concerns and unwillingness to make compromises for the good of both parties is embarrasing, and council members should be ashamed of themselves. I will most certainly not ever be shopping at sharpes nursery (which is a business of one of the councillors who was in favor of removing the trees).

  3. How the hell can the NCC claim any enviro or political credentials with the community ever again. They have committed political & environmental suicide. Even if these trees go the issue will never die. The manner in which this whole debacle has been dealt with is a dirty stain on Newcastles history. It is recognised that several threatened species utilise these trees, how can the sly use of the rd act override such important local, state & federal legislation? I am totally disgusted with the attempt to remove such a community asset. Ironically the iconics streets value would only increase if left alone ( esp with the carbon tax,) & god knows Newcastle could do with some enviro offsetts!

  4. A pretty disappointing and superficial response (to put it mildly) from our new MP, Tim Owen.
    It apparently doesn’t matter whether the “solution” is fair and reasonable, is made after ALL the facts were put on the table, has been made on the basis of management misinformation or disinformation, is what the community wants,is the best solution environmentally; or whether council management has acted in an open, transparent and accountable manner. Just “let’s get on with it”.

    It apparently doesn’t matter whether Council resolutions have been ignored by staff.

    Mr Owen and his colleague, the Local Government Minister need to scrutinize all aspects of the machinations of Council management over this affair, including whether public money has been wasted by management to pursue an agenda with no approved budget and that has never been endorsed by the elected council, i.e., the “Anzac Centenary Place” project.
    Let’s hope the federal government doesn’t support funding for it.

    Let’s get on with stopping the destruction, Mr Owen.

  5. I agree with Keith. Apart from the mess the Malevolent Seven have made, Tim Owen has been strangely quiet. Yet he lives in leafy New Lambton Heights. Would he just “get on with it” if the council went and chainsawed all the New Lambton Heights leafy ambience?
    Tim’s a bit of a waste of space. So not only do I not vote for the ones in my ward who instigated the savaging of the trees but hopefully Timid Tim doesn’t get a second chance.

  6. How does the Council get away with something that the majority of the public don’t want?? Listen to us we don’t want a paved area we want the trees to be left alone!!! Show us the proof that they are dangerous get an independent assessment. A busineman has offered to pay, you will not be out of pocket, why won’t you do it? Shame shame shame.

  7. The alleged unsafe condition of these magnificent heritage trees has been presented as fact in order to circumvent the rigours of a full development review for the now revealed plaza project and expansion of buildings toward Laman Street.

    The Roads Act allows for removal of unsafe trees, but I fear you will not find in that Act an allowance for tree safety to be determined by misrepresenting and suppressing expert information. This course toward tree removal for redevelopment as taken by Council management was likely an idea to expedite the redevelopment project but it has gone horribly wrong and Council is now embarrassed by whatever course taken.

    Surely if Council admits their error, reverses course and stops this madness of destruction there will be a chance of redemption. Gale force winds have proven the trees are not a threat – admit that, send the chainsaws home and design your new project with the Laman Street figs in their rightful centre position as revered treasures.

  8. The “fall out” is yet to begin. The trees are still standing. Will noone in authority step up and demand independent assessment? Tim Owen? I assume you are hoping for reelection? Earn it. The seven councillors responsible for this flouting of correct procedures and protocol cannot hold any hope for survival of “fall out” but it’s not too late for you Tim. Step up! A review after these majestic pieces of Newcastle’s history will be too late! Yes it’ll hopefully get sone unelected council staff who share The Seven’s agenda the boot but that’ll be too late also! Come on Tim show some class before other councils latch on to using roads act inappropriately and NSW becomes known as “The Barren State”. This is so embarrassing for Newcastle- we look fools to the rest of Australia! Come on Tim!

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