Newcastle News


Mine safety training has well and truly come of age.

A state-of-the-art simulator is now up and running at Lake Macquarie, which gives miners potentially life-saving experience.

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  1. how about taking into account the safety of the community in which the mines operate? i attended a community consult meeting at a mine site and witnessed what i and others believe to have been highly unsafe meeting practices. not only was this allowed to occur & continue but the victim suffered a massive heart attack & emergency cpr had to be undertaken. where was the duty of care? where were the first aid & emergency provisions , no masks , no gloves, no defibrilator. for the grace of god this individual survived. where is the incident report and inquiry?, where is the response to correspondence? industry needs to take its social responsibilities much more seriously. i would have assumed a highly trained first aid officer and appropriate resus equipment would have been standard equipment for such a work place.

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