Gold Coast NewsNorthern Rivers News


Greens MLC Ian Cohen says he plans to maintain the rage against a Northern Rivers motor rally event when he retires from office.

Opponents of the world championship rally say claimed economic benefits to the region are misleading.

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One Comment

  1. The substantial community opposition is not going to go away, hence the FIA should pull the pin on the rally in Northern Rivers.

    The statement in the Rally Review (by M. Cahill, tabled in Parliament just prior to the election) that the anti-rally groups comprised a “tiny minority” is neither consistent with the Tweed Daily News Poll ending 12 May 2010 (75% against and 25% for), nor does it reflect the 74% majority of anti-rally submissions. The overwhelming anti-rally sentiment is neither reflected in the relative numbers of selected submission examples in the review, nor in its conclusions.

    There are plenty of reasons for not staging the rally in the Northern Rivers Region in 2011. Environmental and social/political concerns include high natural values of the region, numbers of threatened species potentially affected, particularly over the long term, proximity to National Parks, and the suspension of legislation designed to protect the environment and its flora and fauna.

    I was glad to see the recommendation that any future route should avoid unique and environmentally sensitive areas including Uki area, Byrrill Creek and pristine habitats, but the best option is not to hold the rally ever again in the Northern Rivers area of NSW.

    There was no evidence in the Review for the claimed “credibility and robustness” of the independent market research study showing local community support.

    The unsupported statement in the review that protesters showed lack of empathy with rally supporters and working people is a good example of its many attempts to demonise anti-rally groups.

    Joan Vickers

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