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A former police officer is standing trial in Southport Court accused of stalking and serious assault.

David Whyte has been branded a “bully” for allegedly harassing two elderly neighbours.

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  1. I watched with interest yoiur story on David Whyte as he aslo assaulted and verbally abused both my 16year old son and myself about 7 years ago at the same address in Kirra, and again at the Burleigh Heads police Station. This man thinks that because he is a detective he can treat anybody as he sees fit. I sent a formal letter of complaint about this detective 7 years ago and was told an internal investigation found no need to proceed with my complaint any further. We live in this area and ever since this incident the QLD detectives have continuosly harrassed and and intimidated my son. I am very wary about writing this in to you but seeing that news report has brought back some painful memories and I hope that these 2 men that he has continually harrassed get to see the justice that me and my son didnt. This “man” is evil and should be sentenced to jail for a long time but unfortunately he has powerful friends in the police force as I found out the hard way so I sincerely doubt he will be punished at all. I will follow this stoy with great interest,

  2. I am also following this case as I know David Whyte from 1999. He was an honest cop in a corrupt system (Rockhampton).
    I will continue following this case as it is very interesting how the Qld Police Force treat their whistle-blowers.

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