Mid North News


Domestic pets are being blamed for the death of native wildlife along the mid north coast.

Animal welfare groups are now reminding dog owners to keep an eye on their pets.

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  1. It is extremely sad that our wildlife is being destroyed, and people are not taking responsibility for their animals. Even though people thing there are hundreds of kangaroos and wallabies in these areas, this is not so because they are being decimated by dog attacks, cars and development of wildlife habitat areas.

  2. Yes it is time all dog owners take responsibility for keeping their dogs suitably enclosed when they are not home and definately not allow free ranging. sadly our beautiful wildlife kangaroos (many of whom have a joey in pouch), blue tongues, possums and of course bird life are all suffering because of dogs not being correctly held at home or being allowed at night to wander. Time has moved on now and we need to respect our wildlife and stop this unnecessary suffering. Dog owners and I know the majority of you do act responsible and care about our wildlife, please suitably enclose your dog and please keep cat in at night.

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