Northern Rivers News


Police are investigating the death of a man hit by a car on a road near Kyogle early this morning.

It’s believed he was walking home from a rave party.

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One Comment

  1. This event (the party) was a well organised event on private property (not national parkland) and the young people who organised it should be commended. They had very effective security in place and first aid attendants onsite. There was little in the way of incidents, other than an affray caused by a group of well known Nimbin youths with a name for disrupting these events.

    It is very tragic that this man lost his life (either before he attended or after he left the event) but this was not a direct result of mismanagement by the organisers,rather a traffic accident that could happen anywhere, and this happened on the main road – not in the grounds of the event itself.

    Our local youth need outlets such as this and rather than making it so difficult that some feel forced to go underground in the national parks, why aren’t we trying to make it a little easier for the people who want to do the right thing and put on a well organised party. I have attended many such events (I am a 42 yr old mother of a teen), and in the main, there is much better behaviour than you would see in the pubs and people have the chance to sleep off the effects of the night before onsite, before going home. Contrast this with leaving the pub at 2am under the influence and then driving home because the taxis are either too expensive or the wait too long.

    Our hearts go out to the family of the man who lost his life, but please don’t use this as something to brand all such events as a terrible thing.

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