Gold Coast News


The great greyhound racing debate has once again reared its head on the Tweed.

Under a novel plan, Border Park could host two TAB meetings a week – but animal groups are outraged.

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  1. Greyhound racing is an abomination. No animal should be subject to the greed of the gambling industry. 20,000 dogs bred to fed the gambling machine, token dogs selected for adoption to appease the welfare issue. How many greyhounds do you see out walking with pet owners? Rare isn’t? Getting better now Friends of the Hound have taken the plight of the greyhound as their mission. Please help to stop the overbreeding of this beautiful animal & allow it to live their lives as a dog should.

  2. Greyhound racing should be abolished. The dogs come under the legislation of livestock, and are treated like livestock, which in their case includes the heinous crime of human greed, unscrupulous practices & protection of those unscrupulous practices, and in the name of human entertainment, and are disposed of just like livestock. Only farmers should have this right. This is an appalling mindset for humanity to have evolved into. Greyhounds are essentially domestic dogs, just like any other domestic dogs. From puppies, they yearn for what all other dogs do – a home/pack to belong to. Instead, they endure cramped, caged living conditions and the rigors of becoming a racing dog through a training regime that has many injuries in itself, plus track injuries – to inevitable euthanasia, because of this or simply because they show no inclination to run & don’t cut it at the track. Every year, thousands of greyhounds are disposed of, because they are commodities to the racing industry. We have to have legislation in place that changes the classification of greyhounds from livestock to domestic pet. It is unethical and immoral for all Australians to think that entertainment involves the maltreatment and eventual blood of this beautiful, loyal, gentle, regal and eventempered dog – and turn a blind eye. Be their voice.

  3. all the above comments are as crazy as the people writing them and they really need to get a life ……………all the people employed in this industry were do you think they should work ? yea go on the dole like you lot of crack pots

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