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The fight over a rare Aboriginal site at West Wallsend has intensified.

Campaigners have made a last-ditch attempt to see a buffer around the Butterfly Cave increased, amid calls for the state government to intervene.

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  1. Thanks to Amanda Douglas and NBN for your support and coverage of the destruction of the Butterfly Cave at West Wallsend. You’re wonderful.
    Rosie Heritage

  2. well done…and good on you Mike Baird for getting involved and speaking out for Aboriginal Heritage and Culture,yes there needs to be big reforms to our NSW Heritage ans Culture act , legislations and policies.

  3. HOW… how can it be legal for a private landholder to encroach such an important site of cultural and historical value to all Australians? NO PROJECT SHOULD JEOPARDISE SITES OF AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL HERITAGE … I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!

  4. Desecration of Aboriginal culture by developers happens frequently Christine. The problem is that legislation in NSW is not sufficient and penalties the Land and Environment Court can impose aren’t high enough to act as a deterrent. In NSW, for example, protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage is mainly afforded under legislation the main object of which is the conservation of parks and wildlife: the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974. The NSW Heritage Act explicitly allows for the harm and destruction of heritage items if an excavation permit has been issued. These permits can be granted upon application and without any need for consultation with Aboriginal groups. NSW is presently the only State in Australia not to have a dedicated statute protecting Aboriginal heritage. As well as protecting the Butterfly Cave, there needs to be an online petition to lobby the relevant NSW Minister for a dedicated Act and to increase penalties for desecration of Aboriginal heritage, both tangible and intangible.

  5. Be careful Roche family. You’re playing with fire , you’ll be burnt by it.
    If you don’t leave this land alone you will suffer immensely.

  6. “Houston we have a problem” These money mongrels don’t care or give a rats ass about any culture or any law so long as they fill their pockets with money, by the way this is the federal governments lack of interest in aboriginal affairs and regulations in aboriginal arts and heritage leaving these loop holes open

  7. “You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.” We simply must stop destroying our heritage and show real respect to the indigenous people of this land.

  8. I Am Local residents of the Westy area, we have had an online petition formed. …because I signed it……so you are saying we need to do another one? By the time all that is set up again. …the Caves may be gone. …..DEVELOPERS NEED TO BE STAYING WELL CLEAR OF ALL SACRED ABORIGINAL SITES, ….THE greed of people. ….wow!!

  9. It is totally unacceptable that Aboriginal culture and heritage is not properly respected and valued.
    What is wrong with this country – we have the oldest living culture in the world and do not really appreciate it.
    There has to be not only better protection of sites but of greatest importance, consultation with Aboriginal leaders and groups.

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