Central Coast News


Central coast activist Jake Cassar believes the sale of land in the Bambara Road precinct is a win for local persistence.

The state government has confirmed contracts on the 18 point 5 hectare parcel at Kariong have been exchanged, securing it as national park.

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  1. Fantastic news for the Central Coast!! Congratulations to Jake and all the people who have fought long and hard to protect this very special land. But the fight will not end until all the blocks are secured and become part of the National Park.

  2. This is not my personal opinion, but my spiritual belonging to COUNTRY and MOTHER-EARTH. Firstly all the land is sacred, because the land is KOOREE country through CREATION DREAMING. but this is not yesterday, the time is now and our country is now multi cultured, as is the rest of MOTHER-EARTH. it is good people such as Jake Casser and the Carroll family at bulahdelah and their carers of country and the environment of MOTHER-EARTH, may bring to the attention of fellow human beings, there really is something wrong with this planet we all live on, and what we all can do to protect the natural environment of MOTHER-NATURE. before there is no TOMORROW..if i have to have a personal opinion it would be, aboriginal land councils be closed down,because they too sell off SACRED LAND @ TREE’S

  3. Congratulations to everyone who fought long and hard to save a piece of our earth and history. Sometimes 1 voice is all it takes to multiply a thousand. I truly proud of my friends in their success in awakening the people who had no idea what a difference to humanity culture and spirit has. I will always take my children and their children to Bambara as they will pass on the knowledge. We all love hugging big Grandmother tree. Thank you Jake for showing us the way. This is the first of many good changes to come. Speak loud and speak true.

  4. Wow, tears of joy well in my eyes at the thought of all our hard efforts not being in vain. We had so much support during this campaign, from custodian elders to the local community. Though we also had our fair share of trials and tribulations. But overall it brought out the best in everyone that has been involved, and I for one am so proud to have been apart of this amazing campaign. For being apart of such a soul transforming experience is reward within itself, and without a doubt we have set a precedent for future environmental campaigns.

    Salam malaikum brother Jake, without you picking up the ball on this, she just may have slipped through our fingers. Bless you sister Suellen for keeping us together when times were tough and seemed sureal <3 namaste Ian, you kept me strong and helped me to uncover my true calling in life. The list is extremely long and it goes on lol but seriously bless you, all my extended family <3

    Though Lauie Maher has stated that the rest of Bambara will be secured, we must remain ever vigilant in our quest, not just for Bambara but for our Mother Earth. She is our home, our environment, our ONE.

  5. Unreal effort everyone! This is the type of news story that proves how public pressure, stemming from a determination to protect our local land, it’s natural beauty and living creatures, is able to influence government decisions. Power to the people and protection for our environment and all it’s inhabitants! Magnificent outcome… yet to be finalised…. but the feeling is… all of Bambara is very close to fully being included in the national park. Keep those voices heard:-)

  6. It is a great day for all… ONE VOICE – 1,000 VOICES… it is an environmental win… Well done Jake… well done all the beautiful people who stood firmly beside Jake… Yes, Grandmother Tree… yes Mother Earth… and YES brother Jake…

  7. Fantastic news! Congratulations to everyone who has made a stand to conserve this special place! (especially you Jake!!)

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