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Health authorities on the Mid North Coast are advising people to take extra precautions against mosquito bites, after Ross River virus was found in the region.

North Coast Public Health Director Dr Jane Jelfs says this time of year is especially bad for mosquitoes carrying the virus.

“Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses are transmitted by infected mosquitoes that breed in flooded, grassy and swampy areas and around waterways.

There is no treatment for these viruses so the best way to protect yourself is to avoid getting bitten.”

Health advice to avoid the infection includes covering up when you go outside, using repellent and covering doors and windows at your home.

Symptoms of Ross River virus include tiredness, rash, fever and sore and swollen joints, typically within three weeks of being bitten.

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Lauren Kempe

Lauren Kempe is a reporter, producer and weather presenter for NBN News in Newcastle. Lauren grew up in the Hunter, and completed a Bachelor of Communication at the University of Newcastle.

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