Newcastle News


The battle to save them may have been lost, but the anger continues over the Laman Street figs.
Pro-tree campaigners shouted ‘shame’ this afternoon, as the final limbs began to fall.

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  1. Perhaps the gentleman from the Tabernacle should look to the spiritual needs of the people rather than taking a side in the debate.

  2. I think that the protestors went overboard with the protests. i loved those trees as much as everyone else did i used to climb em when i was little

  3. The man from the tabernacle is just having an opinion. For God’s sake, why are people so against having an opinion in this town? He has the God given right to an opinion like everyone in this town. Since when does belonging to a church forbid one freedom of expression. He has beautifully cared for people in this town and didnt even know many of them. Grow up “truth” and develop some individuality. Hitler and Starlin are dead.

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