Mid North NewsNewcastle News


DAVID_SCARLETTHe’d be embarrassed by the attention, and knowing the man, a little surprised.

Since his untimely death this week at the age of 50, there’s been a mountain of respect shown for NBN cameraman Dave “Captain” Scarlett.

Dave worked in NBN’s Taree office for 23 years.

This tribute from Manning Great Lakes Council General Manager Ron Pessselt was typical of the response.

“Greater Taree City Council has had a close association with NBN Cameraman Dave Scarlett. The news of his death is shattering for his family work colleagues and the community. Dave was a friendly, likable person who was always easy to get on with and had a connection to our community. He assisted Council staff in his own time on community projects because he had the relevant expertise and because he cared. The Manning Valley will be lesser place without him.

Our sincere condolences go to his family and to his work colleagues. We will miss the big guy on the other side of the camera who always had a smile on his face and always had the time for a quick chat.

Rest in peace Dave.


Ron Pesselt”

David also worked closely with Nine News when there was a story of state or nationwide significance. Nine’s Sydney newsroom showed its appreciation.

“Dave has helped us out numerous times, he was always happy to help and never complained about receiving out of hours calls from those pesky Sydney Chiefs of Staff wanting some drama covered urgently. To think of the amount of journalists whose careers have been shaped by Dave over the years!”

NBN News last night paid its respects to Dave at the end of the bulletin . We’ve been inundated with requests from those who missed it.

The video is attached below.

Please watch and remember Dave as the big guy with the big welcoming smile.

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