Newcastle News


There were firey scenes at a New South Wales community cabinet meeting last night, after a woman who was sacked for blowing the whistle on paedophile Milton Orkopoulos lashed out at the Premier.

Gillian Sneddon claimed Nathan Rees, who was Mr Orkopoulos’s chief of staff at the time, scurried away from allegations against his boss “like a rat”.

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  1. Nathan you are inept or a liar.To say you have never seen Gillian Sneddon is unacceptable for your position .Whether or not you have seen Gillian, only you know,but be sure young man you have demonstrated how ill equiped for the position of Premier you really are.I accuse you of having no idea what the
    victims of the trash known as Milton the horrible/monster feel like.There is NO excuse/reason for you not to stand up, be a man,and demonstrate to the public ,that Gillian and the boys she has spoken up for, have been treated with contempt . You will receive respect from the public, and you might even gain support for your political party if you do so. You and your peers have reduced the standard of government to the level of a hoodlum gang.In fact a hoodlum gang would not stand for the abhorrent behaviour displayed by you, in not giving your fellow citizens the support and comeraderie we deserve.The “authorities” you refer to are as weak as you, when justice is sought. I will continue to campaign for transparency within Councils and Government, which along the journey will show the public we DO NOT live in a democracy, and our issues/concerns are not respected or dealt with, in the manner in which we have been led to believe.

  2. When I heard Mr Rees urge Gillian Sneddon to, “refer any further material you may have on any wrong doings onto the Authorities”, I confess, I laughed at this man’s stupid comment…!
    Really, how naive is this Premier to make a comment like that?
    How dumb does he think we the public are?

    Mr Rees, for two long, lonely years;
    I asked your Governments Authorities to hear….
    I asked your Governments Authorities to see…..
    I asked your Governments Authorities to do……

    But alas, just like the three so called wise (?) monkeys Mr Rees your Government, represented by it’s Statutory Authorities;
    Continued to Hear no evil,
    Continued to See no evil,
    Continued to do nothing to prevent evil….!

    Why Mr Rees are you, in your position as Premier, so far removed from the reality of your Statutory Authorities? Why should Gillian Sneddon expect to be treated any differently than I was?
    Mr Rees, while ever your Labor Party continue to treat Whistleblowers like Gillian Sneddon and myself with disdain and contempt, then scurry off and hide amongst your own pack, the electorate shall continue to see your Party members as guilty of the Whistleblowers allegations.

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