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Former Newcastle MP Tim Owen has faced a parliamentary inquiry hearing at Parliament House today, explaining that he “cannot recall” seeing a cabinet document found by Labor in his former office.

He told the inquiry his staff can’t recall the document being in the office and they have assured him they checked all of the filing cabinets 3 times and it wasn’t left behind.

The cabinet paper relates to the government’s preferred light rail route into Newcastle, being along the existing heavy rail corridor.

Greens MLC David Shoebridge quizzed Mr Owen, “it would be unusual (for a backbencher) to see a cabinet document… it would be an extraordinary event.”

He said it “beggars belief” that Mr Owen cannot recall the cabinet document.

The inquiry was shown a photo from the Herald newspaper of 2011 campaign material which current MP Tim Crakanthorp claims was left inside the office. Mr Owen suggested “it’s been set up for the photo for the paper.”

Liberal MLC Catherine Cusack suggested (the photo of the campaign material) was “contrived”.

Her Liberal colleague Greg Pearce added “this is a witch hunt” while Ms Cusack criticised Tim Crakanthorp for not accepting their invitation to appear today…

“He’s not prepared to front up, not willing to turn up, everyone knows he’s lying and won’t say it under oath.”

Full story tonight at six.

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