Central Coast News

CANDIDATE Q & A – Kate McGill, Palmer United Party candidate for Dobell

KATE_McGILL_DOBELL What motivated you to run for the seat of Dobell?

The Central Coast has been neglected and ignored by the major parties. Despite being a marginal seat, neither side of the current duopoly is really fighting for our vote. I chose to run for Dobell because I believe that we need a strong voice in parliament. Someone who is not afraid to fight for us rather than someone who is happy to just toe the party line.

It is time that Dobell received their fair share.

Is this the first time you have run for federal politics?


What skills do you think you can bring to the role?

As a Registered Nurse with almost 20 years of experience in front line health I believe that I have an understanding of what is needed to help repair our struggling health system. As a nurse I have found that people will confide in you all manner of things that bother them so I have a good understanding of the issues that are really affecting people in Dobell.

Having an MBA allows me to recognise the economic benefits of so many of the Palmer United Party Policies. These are policies designed to boost the economy and improve the quality of life for all Australians.

As a nurse, a secondary teacher, a wife, mother and farmer, I know that I can truly understand the concerns of a broad range of the community.

What do you think is the biggest issue in the electorate?

The neglect of the government and opposition in Dobell has ensured that there are many big issues that need addressing. Obviously, as a nurse I see a priority in health and I believe that a long overdue upgrade to Wyong
Hospital including the return of full maternity services is necessary, however there are many other issues causing deep concern for so many of Dobell’s residents including the high unemployment, especially youth unemployment. The lack of jobs on the coast forces too many residents to have to commute to Sydney and Newcastle for work which only highlights the need for better public transport and the completion of the motorway link.

What would be your main priority is elected?

I would have to say that the creation of jobs on the Central Coast is my main priority as reducing the unemployment rate and reducing the need to commute will help solve many other social issues. I know that our party policies will improve the economy and create jobs in this area.

How do you rate your chances of winning?

I think our chances of winning as a party will be greatly improved once we get fair and equal coverage in the media.

Why did you want to be part of the Palmer United Party?

The Palmer United Party offers genuine solutions to so many of the issues that concern Australians. I have found Professor Palmer’s ideas for economic management to be innovative and economically sound. As a party leader he is approachable and genuinely cares about all Australians and the future of our once proud nation.

What will be your biggest challenge in this election?

Lack of media coverage or media invisibility is my biggest challenge. It is very difficult to let the people know about who we are and what we can do for them when the media has refused to publish any of our press releases or provide interviews.

Who will you be preferencing?

As I am running for the Federal House of Representatives, my preferences are nothing more than recommendations on a how to vote card. While parties would like people to follow their recommendations, I think it is really important for people to understand that preferencing power resides with them and not me. The electors should preference who they want, or who they believe will fight for them the most effectively.

I think that the whole issue of ‘preferencing’ for the Federal House of Representatives is very misleading just confuses the issue of who to vote for.

VIEWER QUESTION FROM RACHAEL GLASSON: What will you do to help first home buyers? Currently there is only assistance if you buy a brand new home. However, not many first home buyers can afford a ‘new home.’

I am glad you asked this question as I believe that Palmer United Party has a great policy that addresses the difficulties for all home buyers including those people trying to purchase their first home. If elected, the Palmer United Party will make the first $10,000 of every home loan tax deductable to increase home ownership security and boost the construction and associated industries. This will help even first home buyers achieve the dream of owning their own home.

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