Central Coast News


A milestone in the delivery of support for children with autism has been celebrated on the Central Coast.

A $220-million federal government package has now delivered half a million services.

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  1. Laughable … 6k a year is totally inadequate. Such a poultry amount is insufficient to make any difference to these children’s future. Early intervention is critical but 6k buys bugger all. This is spin, ladies and gentleman. To have any real impact and to make any real change to the future of our kids they so desperately need and deserve so so much more than this.

  2. it is a start but so much more is needed. As for ken, clearly you don’t know ANYONE on the spectrum, the lower functioning end, just for starters!! People give up high paying jobs, cash in super, sell homes all to have part of the money (a veritable drop in the ocean) to give their kids as much as they can early on in life to HOPEFULLY get them to a level of independence that they may be able to hold down some sort of job later in life – there are no guarantees but the majority of us do our best. As for telling people to “grow up”, I guarantee you wouldnt last a month doing what so many of our families do in our very real “grown up” world you offensive little man!!! Go and broaden your horizons!

  3. @Ken, Let me break it down for you.

    1. Early intervention for an autistic child is very expensive. For most parents its an out of pocket expense. Given that parents are paying much more that $6000 / year in tax, they are well within their rights to receive these benefits.

    2. Without this funding, kids would not receive the early intervention required to allow them to mainstream. This will only lead to them being a greater burden on society down the track.

    3. It is the government’s responsibility to ensure autistic kids receive the care they require allowing them the same opportunities in life as kids without autism.

    4. So when Rudd gave handouts to most Australian’s during the GFC, what did you do with it.

  4. Don’t begrudge funding for early intervention services. It is currently the only real tool we have to ensure that individuals on the spectrum can become real contributors to society rather than just consumers of services. Pay now or pay later, I guarantee paying for 60+ years of support for adults is the far more expensive option.

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