Newcastle News


Despite fierce community opposition, the New South Wales Government has approved the expansion of a number of coal mines in the Gloucester region, including the Duralie Mine.

The Duralie coal extension project will see an additional 20.5 million tonnes of coal extracted over the next 10 years.

Two applications by Stratford Coal have also been approved, increasing production by 1.6 million tonnes a year.

The approvals were given on the condition the sites will be progressively rehabilitated, but residents say the mines will destroy local waterways.

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  1. Shame on both state and federal governments for allowing the industrialisation and ruination of this so recently pristine valley. Have they actually seen where this is to happen, and if so, don’t they learn anything from the Hunter?

  2. It’s an appalling but predictable decision that will condemn one of the most beautiful and productive rural landscapes to the same fate of the blighted moonscape that the upper Hunter has become. All this for the short-term profit of an already obsolete industry.

  3. The State and Federal Departments are following the lead of their respective Ministers by approving this massive Mine expansion. “Approval” will not stop pollution of the waterways of the area, Mammy Johnson’s Creek, Karuah River, etc.
    What about the Oyster Farmers? What about the endangered Frogs?
    What about the important commercial value of tourism to the entire “Bucket’s Way” route, up through Gloucester.
    Peaceful rural views no more.
    Shame on all involved.
    Denis Wilson
    Australian Water Campaigners Inc.

  4. “To define perpetual growth on a finite planet as the sole measure of economic well-being is to engage in a form of slow collective suicide. To deny or exclude from the calculus of governance and economy the costs of violating the biological support systems of life is the logic of delusion”, (Wade Davis, The Wayfinders, UWA Press, 2010).

    There are alternatives, in fact a shift to a low-carbon economy would generate MORE jobs than continuing on the old high carbon path.

  5. “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Rev 11: 18

  6. Societies that progressively destroy and pollute their water resources and agricultural land do not survive. They do not deserve to survive. How can short term profit from fossil fuels be favoured against the preservation of essential water resources and productive land ? Are we insane ?

  7. I am glad I drove along the Bucketts Way last year not knowing what was to befall.
    It must be one of the most beautiful, clean, watered and productively fertile places on Earth.
    That kind of Creation cannot be “rehabilitated” after destruction. Food will cease to be produced.
    Go Back, You are going the Wrong Way.
    Instead, create clean healthy jobs in a sustainable economy. Have the courage to forget coal dollars; keep our science and technology going, and innovate bravely as Australia used to do. At least follow the innovations which are turning things round overseas, towards the rescue of the world for our children.

  8. Duralie Coal and Stratford Coal have been approved by the NSW State Planning Department and Duralie Coal has also been approved by the Commonwealth Government. Shame on you all!

    Your approvals of Duralie Coal have signed the death warrant of The NSW Tourist Drive 2 ‘The Bucketts Way’, and will destroy this valley, rural land, bushland and wildlife habitat areas, creeks, river systems of Wards River, Mammy Johnsons River, Karuah River to Port Stephens/Marine Park and the river system of Avon, Little Manning, Manning River Taree by Stratford Coal will continue to be used as a coal mine drain.

    Mining companies continue to be given the ‘tick of approval’ around the State, our area is just one of many ‘earmarked to be destroyed’, and mining companies are very happy to keep on destroying these natural environments, while their Environmental Assessments are full of lies, that their impact they are actually doing is destroying the environment YET they claim it is “minimal, insignificant or unlikely impact”. Duralie Coal is already responsible for destroying 2 creeks that both run directly into Mammy Johnsons River, which now have metals/iron oxide in the water which is not naturally occuring as they claim, and has been brought to the surface because they have drilled bores in and around No Name Creek which runs directly into Mammy Johnsons River, flowing to the Karuah River to Port Stephens/Marine Park.

    The Commonwealth Government has failed the wildlife on the EPBC Act which is a list that is supposed to protect this wildlife, YET they too have given Duralie Coal approval and have NOT protected the Giant Barred Frog from depletion. Duralie’s consultants happy to state there are healthy populations up stream, failed to acknowledge that Duralie Coal is drilling up stream. The Fed/Commonwealth Government Departments should be protecting these wildlife species, the Giant Barred Frog 32 on the World list must be protected regardless of what resource is there. You have failed the wildlife in this area, which will be destroyed through clearning their bushland habitat causing death as a direct result of trees/bushland being cleared or displacement. Ever more the toxic (pumpkin soup coloured & consistency is ever present in the water in No Name Creek runningdirectly into Mammy Johnsons River to Karuah River to Port Stephens.

    This is already happening, and as the coal mines get bigger and other mining companies are given approval, AGL Gas, Thunderbolts Gold and others, this valley will continue to dissapear, with every the amount of discharge and runoff into these gullies and creeks, whether the Government and Duralie Coal has called it First Flush Protocol, which is river discharge in disguise, will increase the amount down stream.

    By the time people see the Iron-oxide water coming under the Karuah Bridge, the valley up river will be well and truly gone. What is criminal in all this, is that it should not have been approved at all, you can all still rescind your decision and stop this happening. I urge the departments to do this promptly.

    Enough is enough, we can’t eat coal or drink coal dusted water, methane gas polluted water or any other mining/industry discharge into our natural waterways.

    Its already happening in our life time and on our watch. Government approvals that are destroying outright area after area by wrongful Government approvals, and ruthless mining companies that do not care at all about the consequences of their decisions or how much land their mining machinery destroys leaving a lifetime of destroyed areas and poisoned toxic environment with sick people & animals.

    Amanda Albury
    Limeburners Creek
    NSW Tourist Drive 2
    The Bucketts Way (not for long C/- Government approvals)

  9. “Our land abounds in natures gifts of beauty rich & rare” To destroy such beautiful country, so rich in biodiversity is bloody unAustralian! How can any project be approved here when there has been such strong opposition, the industry has no social licence to operate.

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