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Hunter Wildlife Rescue says it’s disgusted and disturbed, after more than 50 birds were believed to have been poisoned at Lake Macquarie.

The corellas were discovered at parks throughout Warners Bay over the past few days.

Tests are being carried out on the dead birds.

If anyone finds a sick or distressed bird they can contact the wildlife group on 0418 628 483.

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  1. These people are vile and I hope they get caught sooner than later. How dare they !!!!! It is not their right to harm these birds, I hope some of their poison finds it’s way into their system.

  2. I found half a dozen dying birds in Warners Bay park last year during smoko. I put them in a cardboard box and secluded them but they were all dead by the time I finished work. I called the council, Wildlife Rescue and the University and nobody was interested in carrying out any tests.

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