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The NSW Minister of Education, Sarah Mitchell, has promised parents of Newcastle East Primary School ‘100% transparency’ after potentially deadly asbestos was found in the roof of an historic building during renovations.

Fronting dozens of frustrated parents in the grounds of Newcastle East primary school last night, the Minister apologised, conceding communication on the issue had been “poor”.

“I just want to apologise for some of the communication on this issue“ said Ms Mitchell.

“A lot of parents had a lot of concerns and I understand that, you have every right to feel that way.”

Experts, with decades of experience in handling and removing asbestos, reassured parents that extensive decontamination had been conducted and all contaminated property had been destroyed.

More than 2,500 sampling tests have been conducted on the school grounds since news of the asbestos scandal broke.

Parents of Newcastle East students have submitted a detailed list of nearly 50 questions about the asbestos crisis.

They’re also demanding the hazard report and the test results from sampling conducted around the school in the wake of the discovery, be made public.

The Minister promised parents she and the Department would answer all their questions within 48 hours.

Secretary of the Department of Education, Mark Scott, said easing parents’ concerns was his number one concern.

“I’m promising 100% transparency on this,” said Mr Scott.

President of the NEPS School Council, Lisa Piefke said she was pleased with the outcome of the meeting and is looking forward to reading the Department’s responses.

“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see they come up with in 48 hours.”

For more on this story, tune into NBN News TONIGHT at 6pm.

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