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Newcastle’s King Street carpark could soon also feature serviced apartments, office space plus a childcare centre on the ground floor.

Developer Darren Nicholson today revealed he’s lodging new plans with council, after scrapping moves for five extra levels of carparking.

“We’ll put one more level of car parking and 2 levels of office space on top – which is about 2,500 square metres per level and and 50 serviced apartments down the front.”

If approved, it will stand as tall its neighbour – the Newcastle Permanent.

Meanwhile, Mr Nicholson today joined the Lord Mayor to launch his new East End early education and preschool.

The 75-place centre will open within weeks, inside the ‘David Cohen and Co’ building, next to the Bolton Street carpark.



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Jane Goldsmith

Jane Goldsmith is a journalist, newsreader and producer based in Newcastle and began working with NBN Television in 2001. Originally from Port Macquarie, Jane has worked in television news and radio and studied at the University of Newcastle.

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