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Manning Valley residents have protested outside the latest public hearing of the New South Wales parliamentary inquiry into coal seam gas.

The Manning Alliance declared today Blue Day, representing the waterways it says would be ruined by coal seam gas mining.

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  1. This is about more than the water table being damaged or real estate values halved. This is about who actually runs the country. We have already seen Tony Abbot seriously embarrassed for trying to support the people who own the land. If the unseen forces can do this to Australia’s alternative Prime Minister, how is the ordinary citizen supposed to protect themselves?
    As it stands the mining companies can walk in and drill. No if”s or but’s. They have the “legal” right. This is wrong. This is bad law. This property is my life’s savings . From this I will pay for my infirm latter years. Give me one good reason why a company should have the right to destroy it? It is about greed. Nothing else. The increased cost to the country is a great deal more than the royalties government s will receive. They tell us on the advertisements that there are jobs at stake! Maybe 20 per state. Just a few people setting up the wells, then nothing. Propaganda. Spin. Not quite lies, but a long way from the whole truth.
    And what about the chemicals used? Why is this the only industry in the country to be allowed a waiver on Material Safety Data Sheets? Well, you tell me. There is only one reason, too much to hide. The chemicals are very, very toxic. If the compositions were made public there would be all hell to pay.

    I don’t want my property value destroyed.
    I don’t my water table poisoned.
    The profits should stay in Australia.

  2. The citizens o the Manning will have nothing to gain and everything to loose
    Our water rates will sky rocket, our rivers will be polluted as will the very air we breath The gas wells have a life span of at the most 10 years which means more digging to replace them, roads will be created to maintain them across our small but productive farms properties will be agriculture compromised.
    We should be looking at renewable energy and maintaing our farmlands what is the point of having gas when we have poisoned the very earth we use to sustain us .
    I have lost all my faith in our government we are told absolutely bare minim, promised the earth, than given nothing. We are promised compensation for all the damage it creates. What is the price of a healthy life?
    The question comes to mind how many of the supporting politicians have a invested interest in this exploration?

  3. As Gentiana Mansfield said before me – There is problem with the AIR too.
    Folk who live near DALBY Qld, fear westerly winds because of the size of the dust particles in the air. The other air-problem is worsened by Temperature Inversions; especially in Valleys. Some Local Councils are banning wood burning… fair enough. But when CSG flare – burning off the unwanted non-methane gases to the atmosphere – it is NOT FAIR. Moisture content and inversion layer results in concentrated vapour droplets into your respiratory system – absorption into your tissues and eye irritation.

  4. This gas-rush is creating an oversupply of gas, but the price won’t go down. The Offshore buyers will stockpile it and control pricing. They are calling CSG a Transition Fuel. Transition to what? We should be leading the world in SOLAR POWER Technology. Unless we insist ALL the money from CSG royalties goes to Solar R&D, the Government incentives to develop Solar Power generation will shrivel to nothing.
    We’ll be buying our Gas back at world prices, and Water and Food may well be 100% imported.
    What on earth became of Bob Hawke’s Buy Australia Back, and Buy Australian campaigns? Were the slogans read as “Buy Australia”.
    This country is being sold out, and becoming a third world country before our very eyes. SOLAR NOT CSG

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