Newcastle News


Australia Day celebrations in Newcastle will be even bigger this year, with the National Maritime Festival being held on the 26th of January for the first time.

Everything from steamboats to jetboats will make an appearance, in honour of the city’s rich maritime history.

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One Comment

  1. Juliet and I will be offering tours on the Festival we are from Morpeth

    Once upon a time in a little historic town we saw a majestic Clydesdale mare pulling a Carriage. It seemed like a vision from the past and the clip clop of her massive feet was like an echo from days gone by.” What’s her name ? How old is she? Can we take photos and pat her?” we asked . ” Her name is JULIET. Help to keep her employed “ answered the driver, ”Admiration can’t buy her food. Hop on V take you for a ride.” Lucky we did. We learned about Clydesdale horses and the history of Morpeth. We sang a song and laughed a lot.. The stop-over at the Morpeth Trading Post with its overwhelming collection of old unique items was a highlight . Now two years later you can”shop”on the website and become “friend” on facebook. But can clicking replace patting and touching? Can HD digital convey the smell and snorting of a real horse pulling a wagon you sit in? It will be a sad day when Juliet stops roaming the streets . Morpeth will never have a better Ambassador. Can Y O U help to keep her on the job ?

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