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Gloucester’s mayor says she’s disappointed but not surprised three coal exploration licences surrounding the town have been renewed.

Despite the renewals, the community will continue to fight further coal mining in the Gloucester Basin.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Kristi

    Please accept my apologies for labouring you with some of the difficulties that our community in Gloucester faces; however your news article prompts me to make some comments:

    The renewal of these coal exploration licences surrounding Gloucester is unfortunate. Some of the land that the exploration company has been purchasing is very close to the town – less than 2.9km from the border of one property on which exploration has been taking place to the local Public High School, and 0.55km away from a new residential estate.

    Studies have shown that children living near open cut mines hive a high risk of contracting asthma; at 1.6km a 30% chance; at 3.2km a 21% chance and at 4.8km a 13% chance. The dust that triggers the asthma contains multiple toxins for which there are no absolutely safe levels, such as lead, arsenic, cadmium. That is what our children would be breathing. In addition, CSIRO research has shown that toxic gases with known adverse human health effects are measurable up to 5km from a blast site in an open cut coal mine.

    As a parent, these health findings place me in a very difficult position – if the Labor State Government approves an open cut mine close to town – then what am I to do to protect my children? It is clear to me that I can not remain where I am.. When these planning decisions are made “on balance”, which is more important: the health of our children, or the coal royalties that flow to the State? What is the Labor Party policy in this regard?

    Our democratically elected local council has voted unanimously against mining close to town, and yet they are ignored by the Labor State Government. The Scenically protected areas that attract tourists to the area have recently been approved for mining by the State via an amended LEP. What has happened to our democracy? The Labor State Government now make these planning decisions – the same Labor State Government that receive the coal royalties.. a bit like asking a barber if you need a haircut.. they have not yet turned down any applications for a coal mine at State level . How can this possibly be right?

    Minister Macdonald has been telling some of the residents here that the mining would be underground (fewer health impacts), but a question to the community consultative committee has revealed that the exploration company cannot confirm this as factual. The Minister is refusing to explain this apparent anomoly via the committee – which he established as an avenue for frank and open communication? Refer to

    I notice that your article ends with a comment that Gloucester Resources is looking forward to working with the community. They have held these licences for the last three years; why have they not been working with the community in the past?

    Murray Pakes

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