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He was an unlikely campaigner for political change, thrust into the spotlight through his own five year battle with cancer.

Dan Haslam’s story sparked nation-wide debate and a state-wide campaign for the decriminalisation of medicinal cannabis.

Today hundreds gathered in Tamworth to say farewell.

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One Comment

  1. Dan was a dear friend of our daughter Ebony and life long friend of her partner Heath. We are in awe of Dan and Alyce, in the strength they have both shown over the past 5 years. The legacy Dan has left his fellow Australians will be life changing for them. As distant outsiders Dan could not have been in more stronger loving arms than those of Alyce, Lou & Lucy and their family. The strength and determination Lucy has shown is immeasurable. We wish them all our deepest sympathy and that hope Dan’s Legacy has helped give them some comfort and closure.

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