North West News


Gunnedah councillors have returned from a four day tour around South East Queensland to learn more about coal seam gas mining.
They visited gas fields and spoke with a variety of people to see the effects of the industry on the community.

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One Comment

  1. Gas mining on or near private property and public forests or parks, should be prohiited. The only possible exception should be in cases of large properties where owners and members of the local community are satisfied that all conditions of safety and non-harm to the environment and ecosystem are being met.

    Government monitoring needs to be much stronger, with government inspections automatically following mining action, to ensure that rules and guidelines are being strictly followed. This cost should be met by the mining company.

    The government should require the company involved in any particular project, to pay upfront fees to cover such costs as restoration of the environment (e.g. ensuring that the water supply is not contaminated)

    People who see the health threats from impending mining nearby, as unacceptable and who, as a last resort, “walk out”, because it has become impossible to sell, (which at the very least could cause a huge financial loss), should be adequately and justly compensated, to enable them to purchase another home of at least the same standard.

    This is all I can see at this moment. This CSG mining push has sprung onto the scene very suddenly, and is somewhat like letting loose a bunch of jaguars in a village – but is worse because of the possible permanent or long-lasting damage to the environment.

    Our government should be there, watching and protecting the people and our environment. Their value cannot be measured or compensated for in money.

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